Welcome to The Muskoka Pike Open
Where anyone can catch a trophy Muskoka pike
SAT MAY 17th, 2025 | Boston Pizza | Gravenhurst | Lake Muskoka

Rules and Regulations

Sat May 17th, 2025 from 7:30 am to 4:00pm at Boston Pizza docks on Lake Muskoka. Boundaries are the lake proper ( No Locking) or closed areas ( Muskoka River).
We abide by all MNRF fishing rules and regulations 2025.
All Federal and provincial boating / fishing rules and regulations must be adhered to. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
BOAT INSPECTIONS ( 6:00am - 7:00am )
Will be conducted by officials from 6:00am to 7:00am at Boston Pizza docks. All boats must be checked. If you boat check card (score card) is not filled out and signed by an official in the morning you will be automatically DISQUALIFIED!
Although the season does not open until the day of the event, please don't abuse the provincial rules and regulations by " fishing other species " in pike waters. We have scouts on the water and you will be disqualified and possibly banned from the tournament for good if caught doing so. You can look around up until the day of the tournament, preferably with no rods in the boat. Respect the rules, respect the tournament anglers, organizers, our targeted species and also our waters please. PLEASE DON'T DISRESPECT ... fishing for " Lake Trout " before the tournament.
LATE ARRIVALS ( *** will loose 1 hour of fishing time *** )
Any teams not arriving on time by 7:00am will miss all the Tournament officials as they will be out on the lake on Blast off Boat. If you are late YOU MUST STAY AT BOSTON PIZZA DOCKS until officials return from blast off. This would be closer to 8:30am.
This will take place right outside of the narrows of Gravenhurst Bay, Boat number sticker must be placed on back of outboard, get in position before blast off. Ideally a single file row slowly towards the Bubbler Buddy blast off boat. Slowly pass right beside the boat no wake, then once 2 boat lengths past you may blast off. Boat numbers will be called out starting with #1 and so on with a 5 to 10 sec ( On plane) delay between boats. When your number is called you must put your hand up and drive by the official Bubbler Buddy Blast off boat boat. We will be checking off all boats blasting off for your number. If you missed your position in blast off you go to the end of the pack.
Andre Carriere ( Tournament Emcee / and Angler ) Will be announcing blast off from the official Bubbler Buddy boat.
( Yes he is the last boat to take off )
Final weigh in will be held at the docks at Boston Pizza at 4:00pm SHARP. Teams coming in late will receive a 5 inch per minute penalty (applied to your largest pike). Boats must be past Greavette Island and in sight by 4:00pm sharp.
Weigh in Line Up
We are asking everyone to come into the little bay between Boston Pizza and Grace and Speed to arrange and line up all on one side. Please be patient at this time, Our volunteers work their best to keep things moving as best they can. Get in line, be patient, enjoy the end of the day and reflect on your awesome day you just had on Lake Muskoka.
Each boat will be given a numbered tag ( Score Card ) that is to be shown to officials when weighing in any fish, this will be your score card..
ALL SCORE CARDS ***MUST!!!*** be handed in at the end of the tournament so we know everyone is back safe.
***Score cards not returned at end of day will be penalized for next years tournament. (Penalty... TBD.)***
Each boat will be given a boat # sticker that is to be placed on the back of your motor. This is so teams can line up in close order for blast off.
Each team may enter 5 pike. Scoring is measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail to the nearest 1/4". A 20 inch minimum will apply. Fish under 20 inches will not be scored but will count as one of your 5 fish total. A non surviving fish will result in a 5" Penalty.
All Boats must have a working livewell. Any fish entered that are dead will receive a 5 inch penalty.
Kill Switch
All boats must be equipped with a working kill switch
Life Jackets must be worn at all times other than trolling or drifting speeds.
No dead or prepared bait, pork rind is permitted.
Alcoholic beverages are prohibited during tournament hours.
All prizes are team prizes. In case of a tie, the team entering the single biggest fish will be awarded the higher position.
Will not be tolerated and may result in disqualification. First boat on a spot has priority. No boat may fish within 50 feet of another boat.
Members of the tournament committee at the end of the day settle any disputes. Their decision is not subject to appeal.
Have the discretion to disqualify competitors for any violation of rules without refund.
Any protest of violations made prior to Boat check time must be made at the registration tent to officials. Any violations occurring during tournament or after the weigh in must be made to tournament officials at weigh in stations at Boston Pizza.
Protest must be submitted by writing and accompanied with $100 cash. Club officials decision will be final
Muskoka River Off Limits
Muskoka River including the north channel (town of Bracebridge) from Bracebridge downstream to the mouth of the river at Lake Muskoka including the main channel to the green buoy (E.E.1) and the second channel known as the Gap to the red lighted buoy (E.C.2). Fish Sanctuary, no fishing from April 1st to the Friday before the second Sat in June.
Measure stations
Milford Bay (Town Docks) - Open 9:00am to 2:00pm
Boston Pizza (docks) - Open all day
Any fish measured during the day will count as one of your 5 fish. If you measure in Milford Bay your score will be called in immediately to the tournament official and entered in the system.
Use these stations during the day if you have a big fish to help reduce travel time with fish and to help with the healthy releasing of that fish.
Tournament Emergency Phone Number.
Tournament Official.
JIM SCHRADER -705-706-4443
100% Payback in CASH and PRIZES
Enjoy the tournament and good luck.
- $250 PER TEAM
- $350 / TEAM including the $100 Calcutta side POT
- $20 FOR BIGGEST FISH PRIZE is included in your entry fee.
- BIGGEST FISH TIE pot is split 50/50
Fish must be alive to qualify for big fish prize
We will be accepting cash from 6am to 6:45am the day of.
Cancellations within 24 hours of tournament
will result in a non-refundable entry fee.